Fecha | Título | Disertante | Grupo |
15-mar | Desarrollo de herramientas biotecnológicas para el mejoramiento de cultivos de interés agronómico | Pablo Torti | LBM |
22-mar | A quick HYL1-dependent reactivation of microRNA production is required for a proper developmental response after periods of light deprivation | Natalia Achkar | SBL |
29-mar | Feriado Semana Santa | ||
5-abr | Caracterización estructural y funcional de enzimas de la partición del carbono y del metabolismo redox en Euglena gracilis | Rodrigo Calloni | LEM |
12-abr | Rol de p53 y Eiger/TNF-alpha en crecimiento coordinado de tejidos | Juan Sanchez | LBM |
19-abr | APOLO long non-coding RNA regulates stress response and developmental genes in Arabidopsis | Ma. Florencia Mammarella | EPILAB |
26-abr | Study of carbon metabolism enzymes in Euglena gracilis | Robertino Muchut | LEM |
3-may | HaHB11 maize: from lab to field | Jesica Raineri | LBV |
10-may | Cytochrome c and hormone connections during plant development | Sofía Racca | LBM |
17-may | On the molecular characterization of a novel plant micro RNAs co-factor | Ariel Tomassi | SBL |
24-may | Insight into the Regulatory Roles of Wheat Endosperm ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase | Danisa Ferrero | LEM |
31-may | CPuORF33 integrates signals from chloroplasts and photoreceptors to repress translation of the Arabidopsis AtHB1 gene | Pamela Ribone | LBV |
7-jun | Caracterización funcional de un sistema de quimiosensado de Halomonas titanicae KHS3 | Fernando Ramos Ricciuti | LMM |
14-jun | Identification and characterization of APOLO long noncoding RNA interacting proteins | María Florencia Legascue | EPILAB |
21-jun | Studying the carbon metabolism in autotrophic and heterotrophic chlorella cells | Cecilia Corregido | LEM |
28-jun | Relevancia de la quimiotaxis de la cepa ambiental Halomonas titanicae KHS3 en la biodegradación de hidrocarburos | Rocío Balmaceda | LMM |
5-jul | TCP14 and TCP15 participate in temperature-dependent developmental responses in Arabidopsis thaliana | Lucía Ferrero | LBM |
12-jul | Robust response of transposable element and epigenetic regulation to interspecific hybridization in the Arabidopsis genus | Agustin Arce | SBL |
19-jul | Functional characterization of Trx-like proteins in mechanisms of redox regulation in Trypanosoma cruzi | Natalia Sasoni | LEM |
26-jul | The sunflower transcription factor HaHB11 interacts with kinesin13B in Arabidopsis transgenic plants | Virginia Miguel | LBV |
2-ago | Metabolic role of p53 in Drosophila melanogaster | Clara Ingaramo | LBM |
9-ago | Role of cytosolic glutamine synthetases in nitrogen metabolism of Arabidopsis and rapeseed | Michael Moison | EPILAB |
16-ago | Characterization of the regulatory systems that operate over phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase of A. thaliana | Bruno Rojas | LEM |
23-ago | The HD-ZipI transcription factor ATHB5 regulates source-to-sink transport of sugar in Arabidopsis thaliana | Julieta Cabello | LBV |
30-ago | TCPs: from the nucleus to the surface of the leaves | Alejandra Camoirano | LBM |
6-sep | Small RNAs and their role in regulating genome topology | Delfina Gagliardi | SBL |
13-sep | Kinetic and structural characterization of enzymes involved in mannitol and raffinose metabolisms in plants | Romina Minen | LEM |
20-sep | Secondary and tertiary roots development is governed by different genetic programs | Florencia Perotti | LBV |
27-sep | Are TCPs involved in branching? | Victoria Gastaldi | LBM |
4-oct | Evolution of the noncoding RNA APOLO in the mustard family | Leandro Lucero | EPILAB |
11-oct | Hexose-1P partitioning in Rhodococcus jostii: kinetic characterization of related enzymes | Antonela Cereijo | LEM |
18-oct | Marchantia polymorpha C1HDZ transcription factor: Exaptation or conservation? | Facundo Romani | LBV |
25-oct | Arabidopsis thaliana SCO proteins HCC1 and HCC2 oppositely influence cytochrome c oxidase levels and gene expression responses during salinity stress | Natanael Mansilla | LBM |
1-nov | The HD-Zip transcription factor AtHB23 interacts with PHR1-like1 to regulate specific developmental events | Fiorella Spies | LBV |
8-nov | Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Bioquímica y Biología Molecular SAIB | ||
15-nov | Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal SAFV | ||
22-nov | Development of molecular tools for biorefinery strategies: Structure-function relationchip of endo β 1-4 xylanase from Ruminococcus albus 8 | Alem Storani | LEM |
29-nov | AtOXR2 and disease resistance in Arabidopsis | Regina Mencia | LBM |
6-dic | Long non-coding RNA APOLO and associated RING proteins in the modulation of genome topology across kingdoms | Camille Fonouni-Farde | EPILAB |
13-dic | The long and winding road to Kranz Anatomy | Santiago Prochetto | LEM |